
"""Add tag (orthographic) text to the world.
   by stephan)
from slut import *

class Atlantis(World):
    def onSetup(self):
        self.name = "Form Follows Computation Here"
        self.width = 800
        self.height = 600
        self.fullscreen = False

        t = TagText(self, 'tag0', 16, 'oblivious')
        t.setText('What happen_?')
        t.moveTo(50, 100)

        tt = TagText(self, 'tag1', 28, 'arial')
        tt.setText('SOMEONE SET US UP THE BOMB !')
        tt.moveTo(50, 150)

        ttt = TagText(self, 'tag2', 44, 'bitstream_sans')
        ttt.setColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7)
        ttt.moveTo(510, 145)

atlantis = Atlantis()
Initiated by Stephan Hechenberger
Thanks to CADRE's 103