tcp_client.py"""Connecct to a TCP server, in this case a web server. Request HTML. Split it up by words and randomly place it on the screen. by stephan) """ from slut import * from random import randint from slut.net import TcpClient from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol #HINT: you can use any other protocol from twisted #see http://twistedmatrix.com/ class Atlantis(World): def onSetup(self): self.name = "RJ45 Plugs Are Awesome" self.font = font(12, 'oblivious') self.words = [] TcpClient('cadre.sjsu.edu', 80, StandardClient) def onDrawOrtho(self): for w in self.words: text(w[0], self.font, w[1], w[2]) def shred(self, text): words = text.split(" ") self.words = [] for w in words: self.words.append( [w, randint(0, 400), randint(12, 400)]) class StandardClient(Protocol): def connectionMade(self): #write an HTTP request to the server self.write("GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 "); self.write("HOST: cadre.sjsu.edu "); def dataReceived(self, data): glo.world.shred(data) def connectionLost(self, reason): print 'connection lost: ', reason def write(self, line): if self.connected: self.transport.write(line) else: print '-> not connected' atlantis = Atlantis() atlantis.run() |
Initiated by Stephan Hechenberger Thanks to CADRE's 103 |